Barber Doctor

For centuries societies relied on barber surgeons
to provide the care and treatments that physicians wouldn’t. is the most compete, holistic, natural medicine website on the world wide web.

A “barber doctor” is a term used to describe a person who practices both barbering and medicine. In some cultures and historical periods, barbers were also trained in basic medical procedures such as bloodletting and wound care. However, in modern times, the roles of barbers and doctors are separate professions with distinct training and responsibilities. It is important to consult a qualified medical professional for healthcare advice and treatment.

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10 Replies to “Barber Doctor”

  1. but, but, i went to medical school for 12 years…i have the latest pharmaceuticals synthesized from barrels of Iraqi oil.

    i got petroleum jelly for your chapped lips

    abilify, synthetic ecstasy

    synthetic crystal meth

    synthetic marijuana pills

    we can’t patent tanya’s GARLIC, so that’s no good…don’t put me out of work

  2. the got a wicked intention to destroy the human race
    to put us in last place
    we gotta turn the tables of
    bernie madoff s illuminati bankers, and their pyramid scheme fables
    if u got any savings
    and the bank is craving
    to take away anything above 50K
    don’t frown
    the banker is a clown
    buy all his silver and gold
    but this time keep and hoard
    cuz it’s gonna be like the 1933
    confiscation of real money

  3. “Before you heal someone, ask him if he’s willing to give up the things that make him sick.”

    ― Hippocrates

    If you are unwilling to give up what made you sick, like food that creates mucus, the healing won’t work.

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