Police Corruption: Origins

Fraternal Order of Police

illegal income tax collectors, police putting the people in poverty



Call to Order.
 Guards, secure the doors.
 The doors are secured, Worthy President.
 Brother Conductor, advance and give me the password.
Conductor advances to President’s station, salutes and gives the password.
 The word is correct. You will now ascertain if all present are in possession of the password and entitled to remain in the Lodge.
Conductor will canvass those present, reporting anyone to the President who is not in possession of the word. He will then advance to the center of the floor, give the regular salute and address the President.
 Worthy President, all present are Brothers.
 It is well. Officers and Brothers be attentive while our Worthy Chaplain offers prayer.
President raises entire Lodge with three raps of gavel.
 Our Father, who art in Heaven, we ask Thee to bless this meeting. Endow us with Thy Spirit. May all our actions be guided by Thy hand that we may be fair and just to all. Bless the Order and all members everywhere. We ask it in Thy name. Amen.
President seats Lodge with one rap of gavel.
 Brother Vice-President, perform the duty of opening the Lodge.
Vice-President salutes the President.
: By direction of the President, I proclaim this Lodge duly open for the transaction of regular business and other matters that may be legally brought before it
 I therefore declare … Lodge No. … FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE, duly open. Brothers please stand and give the Oath of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


 Brother Secretary, are there any applicants elected for initiation?
If there are any, the Secretary reads the name or names.
 Brother Conductor, you will retire to the ante-room to ascertain if there are any applicants in waiting.
Conductor retires to ante-room, and if any applicant(s) are in waiting, he returns to the Lodge room, advances to the center of the room, faces the Chair and gives the regular salute.
 Worthy President, I find this/these applicant(s) Conductor here gives name or names of applicant(s) in waiting.
 Brother Conductor, you will retire to the ante-room and bring in the applicant(s). Conductor brings in applicant(s), placing them side by side at the Vice-President’s station facing the President’s chair; when all is ready, he gives command: FORWARD MARCH. Conductor halts applicant(s) before the President’s station, gives the regular salute and addresses the President.
 Worthy President I here present this (these) applicant(s) for initiation.
 Have they made application ix due form, been well recommended and found worthy?
 They have.
PRESIDENT, addressing applicant(s):
 My friend(s) is this of your own free will and accord?
Candidate(s) answers:
 It is.
 Worthy Vice-President, I here present you this (these) applicant(s) for instructions in the aims and objects of our Order.
 My Friend(s), the Fraternal Order of Police was organized for the purpose of promoting harmony and social welfare among the members of that calling, that we might bring together all those in whom is invested the authority of enforcing the laws of our Country─ those men, in whose hands lay the happiness and welfare of the Nation, and upon whom the Nation depends for Justice and Protection.
We are gathered here that we might be better able to advance our ideas, promote our efficiency, and thereby become a power, and share in the gains and honors of advancing civilization. It is therefore our duty to teach and practice that which is honorable and just, and to that end it is the duty of each and every member to unite in our effort to promote the welfare and advancement of this Order.
You have sought admission, you have been well recommended and found worthy, and should you become a member it will likewise be your duty to add your efforts to that of ours that our Order might live and prosper.
With the instructions you have so far received, are you willing to proceed?
Applicant(s) answers:
 I am.
 Worthy President, I present this (these) applicant(s) for further instructions.
 My friend(s), the instructions you have received from our Vice-President have enlightened you partially in the aims and objects of our Order; you understand the duties that are required of all the members herein; you also understand the duties that will be required of you should you take the obligation of our Order, which will bind you as a man (or woman), but will in no way interfere with your religious or political views, or your rights as an American citizen. With this assurance on any part and the instructions you have so far received, are you willing to proceed?
Applicant(s) answer:
 I am.
 Then hold up your right hand, pronounce your full name where I do mine, and repeat me.
President gives three raps of the gavel which raises the entire Lodge.


I, …, in the presence of the Creator of the Universe and the members of the Fraternal Order of Police here assembled, do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will to the best of my ability comply with all the laws and rules of this Order; that I will recognize the authority of my legally elected officers and obey all orders therefrom not in conflict with my religious or political views, or my rights as an American citizen; that I will not cheat, wrong, or defraud this Order, or any member thereof, or permit the same to be done if in my power to prevent it; that I will at all times aid and assist a worthy Brother (or Sister) in sickness or distress, so far as it lies in my power to do so; that I will not divulge any of the secrets of this Order to any one not entitled to receive them. To all of which I most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear. Should I violate this, my solemn oath or obligation, I hereby consent to be expelled from the Order.
President gives one rap of the gavel which seats the Ledge.
 Worthy Vice-President, you may proceed with instructions in the mysteries of our Emblem.
 My friend(s), this Emblem, as adopted by the Fraternal Order of Police, will always remind you of the duties that are expected of you as a citizen, a police officer, and a member of this Order. First, the five-cornered star, the same that is found in our National Emblem, and tends to remind us of the allegiance we owe to our Flag.
The star is also the symbol of authority with which you, like all police officers, are more or less invested. This authority conferred upon you by the people is a token of honor, for in this act they recognize in you a man (or woman) of ability and power, and equal to the task set before you; they also place in you their confidence and trust. Let us hope that you will never abuse this confidence or betray this trust, and that your actions will always be such as to command an honorable opinion of all those with whom you come in contact.
Midway between the points and center of the Star is a blue field. The points are of gold, which indicates the position under which we are now serving; the background is white, white being the virgin or unstained color, represents purity; among our many efforts, one is to allow nothing of a corrupt nature to be injected into our Order; therefore blue, gold and white are our colors. In the three uppermost blue fields are the letters F. O. P., which is the monogram of our Order, the “FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE.” In the blue field, in the lower left-hand corner, is the open eye, the eye of vigilance, the ever watchful eye, which notes the danger, and offers protection to the public, asleep or awake. In the blue field, in the lower right-hand corner, is the hand-clasp, which denotes friendship. This, my friend(s), is a very important item. The hand of friendship always has its effect and should always be extended to a worthy Brother (or Sister). The hand of friendship with good advice and a few kind words, often has a wonderful influence; in many cases it relieves a burden, cheers a heart, strengthens the ability, renews the determination, and sets aright the footsteps of an erring Brother or Sister.
The circle surrounding the Star midway, indicates our never ending and never tiring efforts to promote the welfare and advancement of this Order, and within its bounds we are all a one great and powerful unit. In a half circle over the centerpiece is our motto, written in Latin, Jus, Fides, Libertatum, which translated means Law is a safeguard of Freedom. In the center of the Star is the seal of Fort Pitt. This, my friend(s), tends to remind us of where the first efforts were put forth to establish this highly necessitated Order.
 Worthy President, I now present this (these) applicant(s) for instructions in the secret work.
Worthy President gives secret work.
 I now declare you a member(s) of the Fraternal Order of Police, and address you as Brother(s) or Sister(s). Let us hope that our Order will always have cause to be proud of your membership.
The President may declare a few minutes recess to get acquainted with the new Brothers (Sisters). After the President again calls the Lodge to order, he will proceed with the regular order of business.


 There being no further business, the Officers and Brothers will be attentive while our Worthy Chaplain performs the last duty of his station.
President raises Lodge with three raps of gavel.
 Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the privilege of meeting together. We ask Thy blessing, care and protection on all our members, now and forever. Amen.
 I now declare this Lodge duly closed.
Gives one rap of gavel.


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Who Iz da Boule’?

one ring to rule them and in the darkness bind them — Lord of the Rings at Abe’s Bookshop

(written circa 1997 – updated 2011)

As we come into knowledge of self, we must too become aware of who doesn’t want us to “know thyself”. The average Afrikan who has some knowledge of white supremacy might feel it’s been, and only been, the “blue-eyed devil” that is responsible. True, but not truth. If you read the piece I wrote, IZ melanin impaired Human? or Mutant!, I spoke of the biblical brothas, abraham and moses, as one of the first sell-outs of the Afrikan spirit.

As you well know, this country was founded by criminalz who colonized this area just as they chalked up Afrika in the 18th and 19th century. As we had our plantationz in the south with house negroes and field Afrikanz, we find this trend has never changed as the yearz have gone by. Thanks to research done by brotha Steve Cokely, we have found there’s a black secret society that’s been closely associated with maintaining the grip of white supremacy on people of color. The same secret societies these house negroes answer to, have a long history rooted in the physical and mental enslavement of Afrikanz around the globe. This black “secret society” is called the Boule’ aka Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, founded May 15, 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the 1st black fraternity in america and before the 1st black “college” frat, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated which was founded December 4, 1906.

The Boule’ is a black GREEK secret society based on another secret society founded at Yale University called Skull & Bones. The Boule’s primary founder was Dr. Henry McKee Minton — along with Dr.’s Eugene T. Henson, Edwin Clarence Howard, Algernon Brashear Jackson, Robert Jones Abele and Richard John Warrick; all of Philadelphia.

The founding member of the New York City chapter, WEB DuBois, said the Boule’ was created to “keep the black professional away from the ranks of Marcus Garvey.” (One thing that needs to be pointed out is the time period. Just over a decade after the founding of the Boule’, Marcus Garvey’s ‘Back to Afrika’ movement (also known as the ‘Colonization Movement’) and his newspaper, the Negro World, was reaching a million-plus people without tv or radio. DuBois emphasized, as Cokely stated,


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