Illuminati Body Count

Makow – Rothschilds

Conduct ‘Red Symphony’


From Muehlbauer11-10-3 

Very good article by Mr. Makow. If the information, contained in the article doesn’t start a lot of people thinking and then moving in the right direction, well then, America must be braindead. 

The Internet writers need to focus in on The House Of Rothschild. We can get a better deal if the boss running things, i.e., Rabbi Rothschild, knows we are onto his game, and broadcasting it. World Peace might be as simple as defanging one man, Rabbi Rothschild. Gees, Rabbi, can’t you get enough shiny stuff, how much is too much? 

I hope the Internet Snoops and the Hackers get onto the trail of The House Of Rothschild, expose it for what is: The Empire Of The Rothschilds, with Rabbi Rothschild…always a Rothschild, the worst, bloodiest, bane, ever to hit Western Society. Far worse than the Plagues could ever be, the sickness that is The House Of Rothschild has nearly destroyed every one of the white western societies, as well as bringing the Earth’s Environment to a point of critical-unto-death. And us people? We are nearly laughable to the Rothschilds, who watch as we kill one another off and destroy our civilizations. Even so much so, that today the whole World of living things on Earth are threatened with extinction; the Earth, itself, subject to be destroyed. 

How could those two Atom Bombs have been deployed to Japan, or anywhere else in the world, without the Head Rabbi of The House Of Rothschild okaying it, planning it, and insisting on it happening. It was all done to push the cattle back into their stalls, to fill the minds of innocent humanity with dread and fear…the fear of sudden and irreconcilable death. 

The article posted by Mr. Makow allows us a window through which we can see the past, and quite clearly so. The two World Wars last century could not have happened without The Lord God, Rabbi Rothschild, having made them happen. I can assure the reader that 911 in America, the murder and destruction, WTC, and The Pentagon, the Airplane Crashing in Pennsylvania, the Anthrax Attacks, all of this and so much more not listed, could not have happened except that it had The Rothschild Empire seal attached to it. It is the cause of our pain and dying, this House Of Rothschild…which needs a wake-up call. Hey, we still matter! We want a better deal and an end to the burning of fossil fuels, and, an end to WAR. 

Muehlbauer Orlando, Florida

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Walking With YE 2

YE is in trouble with the Synagogue of Satan, and the Jews who cower to them.


by Eustace Mullins 5/10/97

Few Americans realize that the principal tool of Communist penetration in the United States is the pseudoscience
of psychotherapy. Not only have many patriots who opposed Communist subversion been imprisoned
for life without trial, but many others have been rendered helpless, their fortunes seized, and their
exposures of Communist treachery discredited by the accusation of “mental illness”. In 1848, Karl Marx
issued his Communist Manifesto, detailing the Jewish plans for subduing the gentile, but it was not until
1896 that the most workable system to achieve this goal, “psychoanalysis”, was unveiled by his fellow-
Jew Sigmund Freud.

No one suspected at the time that Freud (pronounced Fraud) had invented the indispensable tool for the
biological parasite in his quest to gain absolute control over the life of the gentile host. Psychoanalysis
became the instrument which the Jew used to probe the deepest recesses of the mind of the host, thereby
learning his best secrets, as well as the hidden fears and doubts which could be exploited by a clever
enemy in order to become his master.

Beginning his career as a medical student, Freud concentrated on the study of the nervous system, obtaining
a degree in neuropathology. Up to this point, his education had been strictly scientific, conducted
according to methodical Teutonic principles of study in the Vienna Medical School. He now abandoned
these principles. For the rest of his life, he would be the typical Jewish adventurer, seeking one path after
the other until he hit upon the one which would lead him to fame, riches and, more important than either of
these to the Jew, power over the gentile host.

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