Stephen Marley: Mind Control

mind control is why

Johnny Depp’s Trial is televised & not Epstein and Maxwelll

Which President should be resurrected?
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18 Replies to “Stephen Marley: Mind Control”

  1. I frown upon homosexuality when tit is used to blackmail our leaders

    they will do anything the illuminati want for fear of gay revelations

    1973 was the year gays were released from their psychiatric cage

    JUST 4 dubya the “war president”

    just a cowardly mess from the wizard of oz

    cowardly lion of Yale

    never had to do his own homework

    always relying on the “brotherly love” of his skull and bones brothers

  2. JFK senior is dead, but JFK jr lives

    I hear and see the CIIA shattering into a million pieces

    who should Christ resurrect?

    HW or JFK SR?

    let’s use the power of a democratic vote to answer these tough questions

    no leader should dictate who gets clones and who doesn’t

    like in the Roman Coliseum the spectators should deecide

  3. there is nothing wrong with LGBTQ …..nothing wrong with Janelle

    & they are more than welcome at the shop…..but these puppet blackmailed politicians are never going to come back to our neighborhood….like Justin’s Syrian hotel visit….

    Justin’s plan for a terror attack….to cancel the HATE and islamaphobia read revelation 19

  4. Joe’s Stalingrad Poem at Cafe Deux Soleil was the opposite of Andrew Tate’s story

    Cold war, ice kol kutz war of words, fear of a black neighborhood

    fear of pan africa

    Why do they diagnose me wrong? bipolar instead of savior complex……..i’m just trying o save my people

  5. it’s the STIGMATA or STIGMA

    i told my doctor i would give birth to a Savior after reading revelation 12

    they called it grandious ideation

    bipolar and schizo

    i just want to save my people from poverty, Gandhi called poverty the worst form of violence

    i’m not giving up on Zion

    no matter how much drugs or isolation time i get

  6. i grew up with the Minister’s Fijian family members: Arif and ASif Khan

    As-salāmu ʿalaykum is a greeting in Arabic
    that means “Peace be upon you”

    “Wa-Alaikum-Salaam,” meaning “And unto you peace,”
    was the standard response

    The Arabic word salaam (سلام) (“peace”) originates
    from the same root as the word Islam.

    Choose Your Own Destiny

    Allahu Akbar ” God is Great”

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