Portuguese Pride Productions

the age of exploration, the age of empires and the space age

“The People are no longer afraid”: The Carnation Revolution, one of the most important revolutions of the twentieth century that ended Colonialism.

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(Haterz) East Van Robocops

uh, oh, Big Boss Man is in the hood. Better watch out before you get a C02 exhaling ticket from the Global Warming Police.
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Krs 1 = The TEacher

or BKenyan the Rabbi. Even Lauryn hill should have 4-8 Years to lead.

Jamaica recorded a government debt equivalent to 128.40 percent of the
country’s Gross Domestic Product in 2015.

 Motto, INDUS UNTERQUE SERVIET VNI Latin translation:
“The two Indians will serve as one”

Jamaica Election
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© Kama
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