16 Replies to “More Than Just a Barber Shop”

  1. I WANT 2

    give the black back their POWER

    my people are dying
    chicago is dying
    “make greta thunberg avatar”

    don’t tease us with this Paris President of Unpartitioned pratorea mother africa as president>>>u R lying…YT is for youth THEATRE…i use that word with my son frazzled subgenius son jayden and YT

    as IN:

    hey jayden let’s go over to the YT youth theatre

    see you perform christmas plays….so as far as defamation lawsuits if u see YT as a slander against whites using banned term YT by trudeau governent

    same family as kenvin trudeau TV swindler…YT as a slanderous as it seems

    i want to take a knee, hold the rosary and say, damn u goerge bus, dam YT’s secret club like sa dam hussein dried up the euphrates

    *joe, it is what it is* if u do LRON automatic writing*
    $hollywood mind meld$

  2. to solve poverty and destruction in Chicago…U bring the Croat ORIGINAL virgin mary to chicago for all veterans…even self taught psyops general i am of a 1 man army in a 1 hit town

    if she can heal your city from billionaires of darkness and their dark towers

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