Higher Learning in Babylon

a follower of Farrakhan

believes in an antichrist/devil of the end times

the devil in this movie “Michael Rappaport” was molded by his army and rarely had any ideas of his own. A modern Hitler.

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6 Replies to “Higher Learning in Babylon”

  1. the honorable elijah mohammed taught me the protocols many many years ago…after the horror in red russia….mr rothschild i plead with u…..let the good jews go…the baron is stubbuorn/obstinate like pharoah

    1 man in complete control brother Laurence

    just like the prophecy of the messiah

    just like the wizard of oz

  2. the iraq war with america has been going on since 1991

    the rich iraqi’s with TV’s and cell phones believe in mahdi, the poor do not

    new dune movie is the zionist/crusader’s propganda

    real mahdi wants u2 vote

    not fight

  3. this movie pacified iraq

    made the freedom fighters sit down and watch a movie

    and wait for a savior

    instead of fighting

    the great satan (USA) and the little satan (Israel) are clever with their propaganda

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