9 Replies to “Don Killuminati (Hail Mary)”

  1. Did Niccholó Machiavelli really fake his death? Is it a fact?

    So, today in my history class, we were learning about 18th century’s Europe and how Machiavellianism affected it.

    Not necessarily needed information, just where I got this idea from;

    “I’m a big Tupac Shakur fan and I know that he read “The Prince” when he was in jail, and changed his name to “Makaveli” after that, leaving conspiracy theories behind when he died, since people say Machiavelli faked his death, and they thought Tupac did the same.

    When I asked about this to my history teacher, she said she didn’t know anything about Machiavelli faking his death, but all over the internet, people talk about it like it’s a documented fact. So, what’s the truth?

  2. Commodus : And now they love Maximus for his mercy. So I can’t just kill him, or it makes me even more unmerciful! The whole thing’s like some crazed nightmare.

    Falco : He is defying you. His every victory is an act of defiance. The mob sees this, and so does the senate. Every day he lives, they grow bolder. Kill him.

    Commodus : No. I will not make a martyr of him.

    [Commodus walks around]

    Falco : I have been told of a certain sea snake which has a very unusual method of attracting its prey. It will lie at the bottom of the ocean as if wounded. Then its enemies will approach, and yet it will lie quite still. And then its enemies will take little bites of it, and yet it remains still.

    Commodus : So, we will lie still, and let our enemies come to us and nibble. Have every senator followed.

  3. You wrote to me once, listing the four chief virtues: Wisdom, justice, fortitude and temperance. As I read the list, I knew I had none of them. But I have other virtues, father. Ambition. That can be a virtue when it drives us to excel. Resourcefulness, courage, perhaps not on the battlefield, but… there are many forms of courage. Devotion, to my family and to you. But none of my virtues were on your list. Even then it was as if you didn’t want me for your son.

  4. You will not be the dictator of the proletariat

    My powers will pass to Joe Canadian, to hold in trust until the Senate is ready to rule once more. Canada is to be 1 republic again.

  5. I don’t believe it….I NEED PROOF

    that’s the only thing that can save our black community is the black king tupac


    why would he do 30 years in a serbian castle prison?

    just to be don killuminait

    it’s too impossible…..too crazy…..please more proof Jozo

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