The Keys Conspiracy

I think…

The Keys would be better off with Oscar Paris Jackson than Jay Zed, Swiss gold brick, and the other aspiring billionaires.

The Keys needs to reunite with BONO to sing the 25th anniversary Jubilee get out of jail free song next year. These Top G’s are just holding her back.

Get right with God Alicia Keys! I’ve heard strange stories about Switzerland. I don’t want you retiring there like Tina Turner.

Assalamu alaikum

Salam Ya Mahdi

Husain Bolt: The Runner’s Stride

It is hard to believe that the fastest man on earth has scoliosis! Olympian Usain Bolt was born with scoliosis. His right leg is half an inch shorter than his left and his spine curves to the right.


Psalm 147:10 God takes no delight in the strength of horses,
no pleasure in the runner’s stride.

Vincent Anton Freeman is the protagonist of the film Gattaca. In spite of being genetically inferior to his peers, he is a driven individual who dreams of becoming more than what society dictates he can be.

“There is no gene for fate.” Vincent Freeman, Gattaca (1997)

BOLT overcame the vaccine that crippled him. Like The God Children in the movie Gattaca. So G takes delight in Hussein Bolt over his competitors.

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