10 Replies to “End Game”

  1. the chinese ebay UN hat has become “SELF AWARE”

    Romeo Dallaire just wants to smoke his PTSD weed and stop crashing his car, but this government treats veterans like pariahs

    it says take the child to eat her ethnic food at GO JO’s ethiopian

    it’s called the Manhattan project for a reason

    spies blowing up NYC’s wonders

    obama set them back 10 years, but now ther is a NEW TALIBAN LEADER

    so the kaleidoscope is in flux as tony “the hair” blair says in his NWO speech

  2. RUSH of the JEW (people who are bad) in my country they cause many problems

    someone again must take power like stalin and not tolerate people who are bad

  3. HERE: Entry please into pyramid of peace:

    this is where we talk about only richest Jews in world

    we are frightened YES??

    after the tishnik massacre everyone was frightened of the big red jews…that work for red jew 666 family….they are very bad to us in soviet union CCCP

    now we are back to red star jews and big jew family quest for power

    i can not wait to see melvin gibson richest jews movie….powerful anti jew warrior melvin gibson who needs to speak at the pyramid of peace

  4. Revelation 6:8 famine going on in Yemen:

    Ethiopia: Red Terror and Famine
    Posted on August 7, 2015 by World Peace Foundation

    In 1974, an array of Ethiopian opposition groups, most from the political left, overthrew Emperor Haile Salessie. Military leaders involved in the revolution quickly sought to consolidate their power–they abolished the monarchy and began eliminating political competitors. Mengistu Haile Mariam emerged as leader in February 1977 and intensified a crackdown against the opposition, initiating a period which became known as the “Red Terror.”

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