The Keys would be better off with Oscar Paris Jackson than Jay Zed, Swiss gold brick, and the other aspiring billionaires.
The Keys needs to reunite with BONO to sing the 25th anniversary Jubilee get out of jail free song next year. These Top G’s are just holding her back.
Get right with God Alicia Keys! I’ve heard strange stories about Switzerland. I don’t want you retiring there like Tina Turner.
Assalamu alaikum
Salam Ya Mahdi
Wa alaikum assalaam
Africa is in the middle of war and great tribulation…nobody cares…nobody, not even keys, she’s out skiing.
Africa comes second in the number of armed conflicts per region with more than 35 non-international armed conflicts (NIACs) taking place in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic (CAR), the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan.
THIS is my song about Swiss Dungeons in GENEVA
listen to the lyrics abut how my castle became a dungeon.
Geneva is one of the most evil places in the world.
Romantic Dungeon
Switzerland’s Chillon Castle is built on a rocky inlet on Lake Geneva on the edge of the Bernese Alps. Despite its picturesque setting, the castle is best known for its dungeon.Constructed in the 13th century on the location of an earlier fortress, the medieval castle was the setting for Lord Byron’s epic poem The Prisoner of Chillon. The work follows a monk, Francois Bonivard, who was imprisoned there between 1532 and 1536.The dungeon was carved out of the rock that supports Chillon. The castle needed a prison to control its financial interest. Chillon sits on a choke point for trade heading south into Italy through the Great St. Bernard Pass. There is even evidence that Romans used the location as an outpost.It has always been an ideal place to collect taxes. People love the macabre, and Chillon Castle’s dungeon remains the most popular tourist destination in Switzerland.