7 Replies to “Teknology – Child Miners”

  1. This speech is glib and i did not write it….I will tell you what family is responsible for CECIL RHODES….The Family who takes G.O.D. Gold oil and diamonds from your continent:


    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

    Baron Rothschild, will you have mercy on these children? Will you ask the 13 families, like Dupont to let us have our HEMP batteries? They last 10 times longer you know.

  2. The Colonization of Africa during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was driven by European powers seeking economic, political, and imperial dominance.

    Rhodes & Rothschild Zionist Movement aka Deep State.

    The Rothschild banking family played a significant role in this process by providing financial support to Cecil John Rhodes and the British South Africa Company (BSAC). In this entry, we explore the historical context, the collaboration between the Rothschilds and Rhodes, and the impact of their financial backing on the colonization of African countries like South Africa and Zimbabwe.

  3. Usury is a serious sin: it kills life, tramples on the dignity of people, is a vehicle for corruption and hampers the common good. It also weakens the social and economic foundations of a country. In fact, with so many poor people, many indebted families, so many victims of serious crimes and so many corrupt people, no country can plan a serious economic recovery or even feel safe.

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