Liberia is the Key

Liberiacountry along the coast of western Africa. Liberia’s terrain ranges from the low and sandy coastal plains to rolling hills and dissected plateau further inland. The country is home to a lush rainforest containing a rich diversity of flora and fauna.


Liberia is the only Black state in Africa never subjected to colonial rule and is Africa’s oldest republic. It was established on land acquired for people who formerly had been enslaved in the United States by the American Colonization Society, which founded a colony at Cape Mesurado in 1821. In 1824 the territory was named Liberia, and its main settlement was named Monrovia, which is the present-day capital. Liberian independence was proclaimed in 1847, and its boundaries were expanded. The country enjoyed relative stability until a rebellion in 1989 escalated into a destructive civil war in the 1990s that did not fully cease until 2003. The country’s first post-conflict elections, held in 2005, were noteworthy for the election of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to the presidency, as she was the first woman to be elected head of state in Africa.


The Afro Americans must start rebuilding Pan Africa through Liberia. They must get the rest of the continent to ally with America instead of Russia & China or Europe. President Biden and President Obama must let the African American Diaspora take their land back.

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F**K the Robocops

Patrol robots could soon patrol the public streets, detecting and reporting crimes to monitoring human officers. With modern recording systems, these robots would accurately document the event and store this data for internal and external review. From a safe distance, human officers can safely assess a situation and develop tactical plans to apprehend suspects. Hostage negotiators would also have the ability to communicate with barricaded suspects from a safe distance. Robots could also be used to apprehend and physically restrain suspects using non-penetrating or lethal force. With today’s rising concerns of officers using deadly force, this could be a viable option of safely apprehending offenders without endangering officers and others.

Online reporting is already a reality. Remote access robots can be an extension of today’s officers, responding to a crime scene and, through a remote operator, taking an accurate incident report. Statements from the victims, witnesses and suspects would be electronically recorded without misinterpretation or human bias. The software capturing the data could then be recorded, and also downloaded in a database to develop a COMSTAT profile to be used as an investigative tool.


The Boston Dynamics model given to the LAPD — named “Spot” by its manufacturer — is roughly the size of a golden retriever, weighing about 70 pounds and standing about 2 feet tall when walking. The robot is designed to be either remote controlled or fully autonomous. It can climb stairs and open doors. The robot can be customized to detect hazardous substances like carbon monoxide or some combustible gases. The various payloads available include sensors, cameras, and microphones, and can be customized with thermal imaging, among other features.

The Los Angeles City Council’s move to accept the donation will require quarterly reports on the deployment and use of the robot. Its sign-off was necessary as a result of a recent state law — Assembly Bill 481 — that requires police departments to seek approval and outline use policies before acquiring military-grade hardware.

Robot Police Dogs Are on Patrol, But Who’s Holding the Leash?

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