VAtican aG3 of Cons3nt

there is no pope unless the young pope can have his coffee and cigarettes..the vatican age of consent is 18 now….

the priests say NO smoking….they are divided…our war tool to stim pack the soldiers starcraft children
joe quit cherry coke zero 4 the kids

but the vatican boys are having gay orgies all coked out these days…when ur 18 DO WHAT U LIKE KIDS…the devil and the sin of this world will take u as u RUT butt heads with rival males….1 girl be true…no orgy porgy….no matter how long the shit tests take….remember the longer the battle, the sweeter the VICTORY 1984 cigs

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Tendonitis Tanya

like we say in the HA

money talks

burned that bill eh tanya?

sturdy don’t

don’t u cry for HW

don’t u dare

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